Who is the father of mathematics? - letsdiskuss
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Who is the father of mathematics?


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Archimedes the famous mathematician is known as the Father Of Mathematics was born to an astronomer family. The mathematician lived between 287 BC - 212 BC. He is the person who devoted his life to discovering mathematics. 'The Fields Medal,' is an award designed with Archimedes’ image in memory of his contribution. He was the person who configured diverse mathematical concepts. He is one of the earlier mathematicians to study the use of Prime numbers.




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@Professor, Content writer, News writer | Posted on

Archimedes is one of the most well-known Greek mathematicians. For his valuable contribution to the innovation of mathematics, Archimedes is known as the Father of Mathematics. Even in modern times, his contributions are being operated with stability.


Even though limited information is inferred about his early life, he continues to be a well-known classical ancient personality. He was born into an astronomer family in 287 BC and perished in the Siege of Syracuse in 212 BC. His Astronomer father's name is Phidias. He was born in Syracuse, which at the time was a Greek colony.


Archimedes has been fascinated with science, mathematics, and politics since he was a boy. Throughout his life, the mathematician was immersed in a pool of mathematical equations and problem-solving.


His family played a key role in encouraging him to seek formal education. This was most likely the reason for his enrollment in Egypt's School of Mathematics.


Notable Works and Honors Received By Archimedes

  • His inventions in mathematics and science gave him the title of Father Of Mathematics.
  • He gave the concept of Method of Exhaustion to help in measuring the shapes.
  • He also established the relation between Spheres and cylinders.
  • He introduced the concept of infinity.
  • To honor Archimedes, an award is designed with his image on it, The Fields Medal.
  • A mountain named, Montes Archimedes, is named after the Greek Mathematician.
  • Some of the most famous works of Archimedes are:
    • On Spirals
    • The Sand Reckoner
    • On the Equilibrium of Planes
    • On the Measurement of a Circle
  • Archimedes is also known for improvising a weapon called claw of Archimedes.
  • The great mathematician was the first one to study the uses of prime numbers.


Father of Mathematics, devoted his existence to the finding of multiple mathematical and scientific theories, techniques, and systems. His achievements and fame gained him the crown of "Father of Mathematics."

His enthusiasm for science and mathematics influenced and inspired succeeding generations to contribute to science and mathematics through many more discoveries and innovations.





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